Writing Resources from Pop Up

Illustrated by Ali Pye

Illustrated by Ali Pye

I have done a number of school events in association with the Pop Up organisation. They do a great job taking authors into schools around the country. I have been to events in Hackney, Telford and Peterborough, and later this month I am visiting a number of schools around Wisbech with them.

They have recently created a new resource to help teachers and children discover books and engage in creative activities. These include writing, drawing and making.

I have just added a writing resource, based upon my 'Baddies, Beasties and a Sprinkling of Crumbs!' books.

Join Otto, Martha and Scarlett, as they find themselves in an old castle, in the middle of the night, investigating something that's gone BUMP!

  • What will they do?
  • How will they react?
  • What inventions will they have to use?
  • Do you think Sebastian Stinkerton is involved?

Click here to learn more, and write your own story...


'Baddies, Beasties and a Sprinkling of Crumbs!' wins Award.

When I was thinking about this story I wanted it to be fast, pacy and driven by memorable characters that children would root for, find funny, and love. I wanted it to feel quite 'old school' too - like one of those old films I watched as a child; a real goodie/baddie romp. But I also needed to make it resonate with the children of today.

You never know how your book will be received. You write it simply and honestly, and then you have to wait. You love it. But will children love it too? Have you got the recipe right?

Today I won a FBA from the children of Lancashire. A FBA is a Fantastic Book Award. This competition was set up by the Lancashire Library service where  children in local primary schools voted for their favourite books. Winning any award is wonderful. It makes you feel valued, it makes you feel proud, but winning an award which has been voted for by children is really, really special. Because my stories are written for children, and they're very honest. 

It's been great to get letters from children saying why they like my Crumbs series. They really make me smile because then I know I did something right...

"...We loved the part when Aunt Beastly fancied the Baddies and the hilarious traps when they used washing up liquid to stop the Unstoppables ... Thank you for such a great book!"

I'm so grateful to have won this award and would like to thank the Lancashire Library service and the children of Lancashire for loving Martha, Otto, Scarlett (and the gang!) as much as I do...

Homework fun...

I was recently interviewed on BBC Radio Bristol. After the show the presenter told me how is daughter was using "Baddies, Beasties and a Sprinkling of Crumbs" as part of her homework project. He very kindly scanned in a page of this for me to share.

Click to zoom...

It never ceases to amaze (and humble) me when I discover the impact a book has had on a child, and how they have used a story as part of activities at home or at school.

I hope I never lose this sense of excitement!