"Star Friends"

Far, far away on planet Ooogle lives Ooogle-Doogle. He's shy, sweet and VERY neat. Then, one morning, Ooogle-Doogle finds a Boogle in his garden, and he is VERY SCARED! But the Boogle is not scary, he is a friendly little alien who will change Ooogle-Doogle's life forever...

  • Paperback: 32 pages
  • Publisher: Little Tiger Press (31 July 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1848950969
  • ISBN-13: 978-1848950962


Ooogle-Doogle ate his nice, quiet blips - just like he did every morning.
Then it was playtime.
Six minutes building …and six neatly colouring in!
Next, he went to check his blips - to water and dust them, like always.
But, just as he polished his very last leaf …
C-c-r-r-u-u-n-n-c-h and a bunch of blip leaves twitched.
Then, slowly … very slowly … they parted. ‘Boo!’ cried a scary, munchy thing with a mouthful of chewed-up blip!
It blew Ooogle-Doogle a big wet kiss then,
‘Boooo!’ cried the Boogle again. …